I tell the story of Sanadi's daughter. (The story of) his (daughter) to my son who is studying in the foreign country, in America. (From the time) I was small until now, when I am seventy six years old, I have been living in this village, Saba. So I did not go anywhere and just returned here to tell this story. So I will tell it like this. In Saba, this seaward village. A dragon whose name was Bakaka lived at the old seaward road of Saba-Warwer. The name of the road was Kinefni. This dragon usually watched the women who usually went landward and roasted (food) along the gardens and went home seaward. He watched them walking until they were away, then, this young women followed (walked at the back of) her mother, the two of them followed (the others). The young woman's name was Inggini. The two of them walked seaward, the dragon moved his head up and put (it) into the middle part of the bag and coiled himself inside it, and then the woman took the bag and went down (with it to the village). She went down, went seaward to the village, (but) then the middle part of the bag was heavy so she returned and told her mother. Inggini told her mother and said, "Mum when we walked from there towards the sea here the middle part of the bag was not as heavy as this." "However, this is heavy, so..." "Or let's see it first." Then, the two of them saw inside, the dragon, the Bakaka, who coiled (himself) in the middle of the bag. So the dragon opened his mouth and said, "Take me." So the two took him seaward to stay at the house. The three slept together at the house but the dragon slept with the woman, Inggini, the Yomga woman. The two slept in one bedroom. But her two brothers did not know. Her father, Sanadi, did not know. The old women, they did not know. However at night the dragon stuck out his nose towards the woman's genitals. For several nights her two brothers seemed a little bit unhappy. Therefore, they told her father and said, "Father we want to eat fish and perhaps....." So when they sat and talked, the dragon listened. He lay in the bedroom inside and listened to the things that they talked about. So he told Inggini and said, "If your two men outside and your father want to eat fish, tell them to go landward to cut poisonous roots." So they followed what the dragon told this girl, Inggini. So, the next day they went landward to cut the poisonous roots. They took (the poisonous root) seaward, pushed the small canoe towards the sea, the dragon slid down(and) coiled (himself) inside (the canoe). And (then) the two rowed (the canoe) with him seaward, they washed (poisoned the waters in) Samidares. Then the dragon called (them) to ask them to pound the poisonous roots and then he bit (and held) (the roots in his mouth) and moved his head down, he inserted (his head) below the rocks. He inserted (it) inside, the fish smelled (the poisonous root) and came outward, appeared at the level of the surface of the sea and the three of them used the fishnet to catch (the fish). They poisoned Samidares until it was finished, they moved inward to poison Sawarap. They poisoned it as well and they threw the fish upward (to the canoe where) the fish were collected inside the canoe. However, the two brothers were a little bit unhappy (that) the dragon married their woman, Inggini. Therefore the two negotiated. The two of them said, "When he swims down, he bites the poisonous root and enters from the bottom of the sea grass below, and that's when we will kill him." But the two took the axe. Therefore, one of the two, the elder brother, told the younger one and said, "You move backward to that place over there, and I will cut him on his body." Therefore, the elder brother picked up the axe and used it to cut the snake's head, thus it was hurled quickly through the air (and moved) landward, (becoming a place) called Nusasri, the one at the front end. The middle part (of the snake) also moved landward as well, its name exists but I have forgotten it. Then, the other part of the middle part moved landward, it still exists but I have forgotten its name. Then, the part facing backward is called Kaduki. And the one which faced towards the tail is called Kwomsimbriri. The one at the very end, today, we called it as Saunek. Then the last small tail went upward to stay with Wursam in Adurki. Thus, these pieces gathered together until they were the ones which became stones and stayed in the sea side of Saba Warwer and along the place over there. If we look seaward the ones sit along there, those are the pieces of the dragon's body. Ah so it finishes here.