Suri (Suriel), uncle Rumbekwan is here. Badu Rumbekwan who is standing here and accidentally he came from Jayapura and mmm he heard (about) you and he took your address, he said that he wanted to write a letter to (you) out there so that the two of you mmm chat in English again. When you were in Australia he wrote a letter to you in Australia. But now you are in England, the thing that he wants to mmm write a letter to you again, so he already wrote down your address but now we're chatting in front of the Department of Education and Culture office. So please listen to his voice. BR1: Mmm so this cassette, (in) the cassette I talk like this but I will send a letter straight from Jayapura to (you) so you are happy. The things that you did there you will write them, and (send) a letter to (me) here so I will be happy and read them but I request that a small dictionary that you talked about, you ordered it in England whoops (in) Australia, please send one from there to here. Ehh an English-English dictionary, that's it. That's it. HM: Ah so let's see who did you choose (to become the president) in the yesterday's general elections? BR2: SBY because we had me as the chairman of the KPPS (electoral committee) so I was confused what I should do. HM: Was there any funny incidents at the voting places? BR2: Ohh, there weren't any funny incidents. Sorido was the place where they occurred. HM: Ah what does that mean? (Lit: it's again). Yes, but if (it was) Sorido (where) the funny incidents occurred, if it was like that, the two of you who are the inlaws from that place mmm Rumbewas (and) Suriel, the two of you, how could you intend to shame the people of Sorido who own that place? BR2: Rumbewas is already an old man so I hand it over to you, (the) son outside. The foreign land out there. HM: Ah so perhaps, what is it? Are there any stories for us from North Supiori? BR1: Hey teacher Mansoben! You're at the back, you won't be able to eat lots of fishes. Fishes which are on the land and in the sea. YM: No, there aren't any fishes. This time it (the sea) is not calm so. No, there aren't many fishes unless we look for (them). YR: Ahh, but aren't there a lot of fishes in Supiori? YM: Yes, It's what he said. The fishes are many but you said there aren't any fishes in North Supiori. YM: No, the fishes (are there) but if we look for (them), this time is windy, so... YR: If not (then) the ones that are on the land. YM: Mmm the ones on the land are (only available) if they feed (farm) them, if not then (there) won't (be any). HM: Mmm (this is) father Awom who wants to send this message to you out there. The son (in England) said mmm we will speak and then I will send (the recording) to him so he (could) listen to it out there. BA: Mmm. HM: Yes, please talk in the Mandender dialect for (him so that) he (could) hear (your dialect). BA: Mmm so what is it? HM: You say what you wanted to talk about yesterday: the general election, (whether it) was not properly (conducted), therefore you did not accept (it) and said.... BA: But the general election was properly (conducted). HM: Would any one become the president or was it a Javanese? BA: Yes, but (why) was it not one of us who become the president? Yes, but the ministers, two (from our tribe) must also sit (in the cabinet). So they could talk about our side. So that they could talk well (about) the special autonomy and that it could go well and they must stop being naughty. YM: They (would) trick us. They would trick us again. BA: So that he speaks well, so.... This son, they have been outside so they should (be able to) manage these things to make them easy. YR: Things are happening, so..... (Lit: The canoe already moved, so.....). HM: Hey, Boseren! BA: I do not speak long but it finishes there. HM: Ehh the one who has just spoken was father Awom. A speaker of the Mandender dialect. With the Ambroben (people) who live around the (Biak) airport. The two who have (just) spoken. You shouldn't provoke the situation, What were you thinking? You know that SIMON's joke went to England yesterday so now he could speak. Smn: Why don't you speak? Father will send (it) to Son Suri. HM: Now, we are sitting (and) chatting in front of Department of Education and Culture office but here we are speaking with different dialects mmm so someone from the North is the one who will be speaking now. Hi, where do you live? YI: Nusi. HM: This one is the one from the North but lives in Nusi, he lives near uncle with the brown hair who lives in Nusi. Yoram. They are the ones who live on the island. They rule Padaido. So how is your situation in Padaido? HM: (Are) you still throwing bombs (to catch fish) and (or) have you already stopped (it)? YI: Ah ( I ) already moved to North Biak. Smn: You speak in the Biak language (Lit: You speak real). YI: Ah yes, so well, so the situation in Nusi is good, alive, and we have been busy since the first of October. So the activities in the families to support living or our lives in the future and at the moment the general election reminds us because SBY and Yusuf Kalla have become leaders. Therefore, I speak to the son (and expect him) to become clever/smart so you could support our land to progress forward. Thank you. HM: Young uncle wants to speak in Swandiwe dialect so he is standing and because he lives with the Samber (people) so he speaks in Samber dialect for you to listen. YPM: Ah I don't talk (about) anything but.... HM: You speak Samber dialect! (Lit: You speak the language from Samber). YPM: This general election finished already so you also (need to) help (to bring about) the happy thing, this big happy thing that we desire, we must have it. I did not say anything but that's it. Thank you. HM: Ehh son Suri mmm now I am standing with uncle Mampioper because he wants to speak to you so you could also listen to their Samber dialect so mm... the two of us are standing at the harbour. He also wants to talk to you so now I will give him some time for him to also talk. So uncle you can speak. EM: Yes, thank you again to you son. I will introduce myself: My name is Eskol Mampioper. I was born in Samber. Now (at) this hour I am standing with your father and the two of us are standing chatting at the harbour in our Biak (town). But I would like to give a little message to you brother outside, as a reminder. It is this, just now the earlier brothers have already talked about them, but, I just add this. HM: So, Hannah's father. Just now uncle mmm spoke the true things but this one he said mmm he also wants to make the thing called a joke or the thing that makes (us) laugh but this joke seems to have come from your place. They divided us into two (provinces: West Irian Jaya province and Papua province) (Lit: They sold us as separately). Western part of Irian Jaya, perhaps a joke that comes from your place. So you just listen to the way the person who comes from the sea or from the land, we will listen (and predict) who (actually) made this joke. EM: Ah so son mmm uncle sends this joke to comfort you a little bit at that place out there, however, this joke comes from West Papua mmm West Papua. So this joke perhaps comes from mmm Arfak mountain towards the sea. One Arfak man from Warmare went down and he took two chickens. He held one on his side and another on his other side and went down walking and passed the front of a foreign woman's house so the foreign woman asked (him) and said: "Sir, how much is the chicken?" Her intention (was) to ask how much the price of a chicken was. So this scabby man, (because) he didn't understand, so he turned to the foreign woman and said, "Two chickens." He said (that) the chickens were two. So the foreign woman ran inward closer (to him) and then asked (him) and said, "How much is one chicken?" Then, the old man said, "One tail (chicken) costs thirty thousand (rupiahs)." Then, the foreign woman complained and said, "Ohh it's too expensive." "Could you lower (it)?" Thus, the orphan released the chickens downward to stand and said, "I have already lowered (them)." So that was the joke, that's it but thank you very much for... HM: Yes so this joke, the meaning of the joke about your Arfak people. It was one of (them) who sold (the chickens) so he released them downward. He let the chickens (and) the two chickens stood then he said, "Madam, I've lowered (them) down." AH so the woman thought he said he lowered (them) down so perhaps, the price was reduced, in fact, he lowered the chickens to stand up (on the ground) but the price was fixed at thirty five thousand (rupiahs) for each chicken. So mmm that was the joke.